Ca y est la nouvelle version du mod Star Wars pour Battlefield 1942 est sortie !
Au programme plein de bonnes choses dont 7 nouvelles maps (soit 8 en tout).
4 de ces niveaux se passent dans l’espace, dont 1 sur l’Etoile de la Mort.
Tout y est : les tourelles, les chasseurs Impériaux comme rebels, la tranchée, la bouche super étroite à viser pour détruire l’objectif !
L’ambience est géniale, les graphismes ont été améliorés, le pilotages des vaisseaux est au poil. On y trouve le X-Wing, A-Wing, Y-Wing et Faucon Millenium pour les Rebels. Et le TIE-Fighter, TIE-Bomber et TIE-Advanced pour les Impériaux.
On peut également piloter des croiseurs lourds encore plus lents que les porte avions et qui possèdent plein de canons : Corvette Corellienne, Fregate Nebulon (pour les Rebs), Frégates Lancer et Croiseurs Carracks (pour les Imps).
Au sol les armes ont été refaites et tout marche assez bien. Même l’AT-ST est + maniable (mais toujours assez rigide dans son animation tout de même).
On peut même piloter des droides ! (unité R2, R4 et Mouse droid)
Seul bémol : certains niveaux qui nous font jouer en intérieur, comme par exemple dans un grand Imperial Star Destroyer, et là logiquement ça rame.
A essayer de toute urgence !
Et voilà l’URL qui va bien: Ce message a été édité par Le_Jedi_Fou le 13/03/2004 Ce message a été édité par Le_Jedi_Fou le 15/03/2004
La map Judicator (dans le destroyer) ne lag pas trop comparée à d’autres, notamment Death-Star.
Sinon j’ai également été conquis. L’ambiance est géniale, on s’y croirait.
Mention spéciale à la map judicator justement, qui nous fait revivre l’assaut de la corvette de la princesse au début de l’épisode VI !
AV Hand weapons carry more ammo, better accuracy, more power, but travel much slower.
New effect for AV rockets.
Cloud Bus Collision fixed to prevent shooting through windshield.
Judicator Right Tram car spawn adjusted so it’s not in the wall.
New Landspeeder Drive Code.
New sounds for several fighter craft.
Fixed a bug in Tanaab which prevented imperial victory.
Heavy Assault damage adjusted against large craft.
Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash if another player was standing on a droid spawn.
Elevators in Judicator now auto stop on the bridge floor.
Cloudbus Spawns in Bespin now spawn 2 buses each, lowering wait times.
Two new projectile damage types added.
Tie Bomber Damage increased against infantry and light targets.
Tie Bomb drop speed reduced for better aiming.
Grenade pack added to Judicator.
Capital ships will no longer move into the lower grid boundary and get “stuck”.
Capital ships no longer sink when not being crewed.
The flag closest to the rebels in Judicator now starts as Neutral.
Judicator now has ticket reduction for each side, depending on which bases are controlled. (Note: Controling the bridge as rebels will always cause imperial ticket drop).
Ammo types added to weapons, which now allows refueling at certain locations.
ATST and several other vehicles now carry a limited ammunition.
Both Engineer classes now carry grenades and Explosion packs. -Empire and Rebel.
Probe Droid collisions reduced greatly, proper armor added, health adjusted.
Mouse Droid Network info optimized.
Spawner for Tie-Advanced on Death Star adjusted so it spawns quicker.
Launching from the bay of the NebulonB Frigate is now much easier.
ATST Side gunner now has a better range of motion, new projectile type.
New Mouse droid hud added.
Gunship spawn added to Tatooine.
Imperial Tie spawn added to 2nd hanger in Tatooine, linked to Cantina.
Imperial Lambda in Tatooine given mobile spawn Point.
Knifes added to all classes on Judicator.
TL Range of motion adjusted, can shoot higher.
Death Star Objective now easier to hit from inside trench, harder from outside.
Beggars Canyon Valleys have been smoothed out.
Sniper damage turned up for both weapons.
Accuracy adjusted on Heavy Infantry Weapons, Damage over range added, so they are weaker at distance, more powerful within 50 meters.
Damage over range adjusted on other weapons and larger vehicles as well. Closer is better.
Unnecessary files removed from standardmesh.rfa.
Bug with calling file removed.
New sounds added for all Capital Ships.
Engineers now repair slightly faster.
Sail Barge Deck gun adjusted, fires faster and turns more accurate.
The grids in space maps are now visible down to 40% texture quality. -Look slightly different in 100%.
Slave 1 health increased, second seat given bombs, and given new missle type.