Nouvel arbre priest

[quote]Minor Note: The Talent Calculator will be up momentariry.

So the priest talent changes have been unveiled through the interactive calculator and I thought it would be a good idea to discuss what was revealed. My goal is only to outline a most of the changes, so it’s likely that I might have left out something small here or there. I encourage players to take an extensive pass using the calculator which has been linked in the news post I created on the front page of our website. After reading my comments, please feel free to use this thread to discuss of any aspect of the priest talents.

Going from left to right, I’ll start the discussion off with the Discipline tree. You’ll immediately notice that Wand Specialization has been made a first tier talent. I feel that this is great for two reasons. First, previously neither available tier 1 Discipline talents felt very exciting or rewarding when investing your points into them at early levels. I feel this is no longer the case. Second, you won’t have to compete with Improved Power Word: Shield or Fortitude to receive this talent. Moving on to tier 2 talents, Silent Resolve will now reduce the threat caused by all spells, rather than simply damage spells. You’re probably also noticing that Improved Power Word: Shield no longer reduces the duration of the weakened soul effect and I’m sure you’re freaking out.

Worry not, this is because the core ability, Power Word: Shield has been improved to only cause a weakened soul effect of 15 seconds, which previously required three talent points, hence the change detailed below.

The Improved Power Word: Shield talent will now increase the damage absorbed by 15%. The new focused casting effect of Martyrdom increases resistance to Interrupt effects by 20%, in addition to preventing the caster from losing casting time when taking damage. Inner Focus as you can see is no longer a 21-point talent, and now available by investing only a mere ten points into the tree. Also, the cooldown has been reduced to three minutes. Competing with the ability is Meditation, also previously a 21-point talent. This still offers an increase to mana regeneration while casting by 15%, however, now only costs three points.

Moving onto the 15-point talents, you can see that Improved Inner Fire remains the same. What we changed is the core ability. Next patch Inner Fire will provide 50% more armor than before. The duration will also be increased to ten minutes but now the effect will be removed when the caster endures twenty successful damaging melee or ranged hits. We’ve also increased the mana cost and removed the melee attack power boost from the ability as such offers the priest very little benefit.

The new 21-point talents are Divine Spirit and Mental Strength.

Finally, the new 31-point talent for the Discipline tree is called Power Infusion. This ability infuses the target with power, increasing spell damage and healing by 20% for 15 seconds, and can be used every three minutes. This spell is very similar to Arcane Power, however it can be cast on other players, enhances healing as well as damage, and doesn’t increase the mana cost of spells cast while under its effect.

This is a long thread, so bear with me… :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a feeling most priests have been really curious to see what we’ve done with the Holy Tree. Well, fortunately the wait is over. You’ll notice two things right off the bat. Improved Renew offers the same level of improvement for only three points, and a brand new talent is immediately available - Healing Focus. This talent, for only two points will gives players a 70% chance of avoiding interruption caused by damage when casting any healing spell.

Next at the five-point mark you’ll notice another brand new talent - Spell Warding, which reduces all damage taken by 10%. That which was previously a 21-point talent now stands next to it, Divine Fury. In addition to being available much sooner, this talent now reduces the casting time of Smite, Holy Fire, Heal and Greater Heal spells by 0.1 sec.

Remember, with this talent (available very early in the tree) Greater Heal will cast in 2.5 seconds!

I’m actually pretty excited about what’s next. Holy Nova is now an eleven-point talent and has no cooldown whatsoever (of course universal global cooldown is still in-effect). This means that much like Improved Arcane Explosion, priests can spam small bursts of threatless holy goodness which both damages foes and heals friends. The mana cost has been increased, so it’s not as efficient as before. We actually had alot of fun testing this spell in both PvE and PvP, and I’m excited to read through player feedback when this is live on the PTRs.

Moving on to the competing eleven-point talents, another new ability is revealed, Blessed Recovery. This passive ability will heal 25% of the damage received over 6 seconds after being struck by a melee or critical ranged hit. Lastly, take a look at Inspiration. This talent now only costs three points.

Holy Reach is another new talent available to the priests. For two points, players can increases the range of their Smite and Holy Fire spells and the radius of their Prayer of Healing and Holy Nova spells by 20%. Improved Healing has the same effect and is found in the same place, however, only three points need to be invested in order to gain the 15% mana cost reduction to those healing spells. The last talent on this tier is called Searing Light which increases the damage of Holy Fire and Smite by 10%.

Don’t forget, Holy Fire is now a core ability and the casting time reduced to 3.5 seconds. Which of course becomes 3 seconds with the appropriate talent (the same talent which also benefits the casting time of Heal and Greater Heal.

Another great new passive ability talent - Spiritual Guidance, is located at the 21-point mark. This talent will permanently improve the priests spell damage and healing by up to 25% of their total spirit. Pretty nice boost, if I do say so myself.

I must admit, the next improvement has me awfully excited. Spirit of Redemption, (you know that angel that lets everyone know you’ve died and that their probably about to die as well:), will now allow the priest to become the angel, upon death. For ten seconds, the priest can cast any healing spell completely free! This allows the strategic player much better control in preventing a wipe.

As you can see the new 26-point talent is Spiritual Healing, which as before offers the priest a 10% increase to all healing spells. Placing points this far into the tree, assuming you’ve picked up Improved Renew and Spiritual Guidance will most definitely make the Holy Priest’s heals stand out.

It should be no surprise that the final rank Holy talent is brand new, seeing that Holy Nova is now an 11-point talent. This new spell, called Lightwell will create a holy lightwell near the priest. At final rank, friendly targets can click the lightwell to restore 1600 health over a period of ten seconds. The lightwell has five charges, meaning, up to five players can use the lightwell before it expires. Our testing has shown that this ability works great in both smaller dungeons and raids, often times allowing the lower maintenance party members to take advantage of the healing properties of this well, while the priest and other healing classes focused on the main tank or whomever was taking heavy damage.

One other thing I’d like to mention before moving on to the Shadow tree is the fact that Focus Casting has been removed completely. Essentially, with the improvements to Martyrdom and the new talent Healing Focus, it wasn’t as valuable a talent as before.

So, what improvements have we made to Shadow you ask? You’ll actually notice that very little changes were made, so fortunately, you’re almost done reading my post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Shadow Affinity only costs three points now, instead of five. Improved Fade will no longer increase the duration of the spell, but rather decrease the cooldown by a total of six seconds. Shadow Weaving is available for 16-points. While Vampiric Embrace remains the same, a new talent is available called Improved Vampiric Embrace. For two points, the amount healed by Vampiric Embrace will be increased by 10%.

Well, this pretty much sums up the changes. It’s likely we’ll make some more adjustments and tweaks based upon what’s revealed through testing on the PTRs. As a priest, I’m excited. How about you guys? Post your thoughts…

Sidenote: Try not to quote my entire thread, if possible please. Threads break much sooner that way, and I’d like to get as much out of this discussion thread as possible, before creating a « part 2 ».[/quote]
J’ai hate de tester ça :stuck_out_tongue:

Arbre des templates dispo sur le site officiel :…s2/talents.html

Je bande violemment.

Je vais rejouer mon prêtre dès le 1.10, j’attends que ça ! Et nulle doute que le GloP va succomber à nouveau avec des talents aussi bien !…000000000000000

ma respé sitot que le patch sort :stuck_out_tongue:

Bordel…je m’oppose à ce nouvel arbre…On a pas assez de points !!! Je VEUX des points de talents.

Sinon, c’est moi ou on va pouvoir tabasser niveau pvp en etant holy ?
Genre avec Holy nova en instant cast, no threat + 0 cooldown pour 230 mana.
Ca va faire, genre…oulaaaa…note pour moi même : le mettre sur un bouton de la souris pour spammer.

230 mana c’est le rang 1. tu vas aller loin avec tes aoe qui font 40 dommages.


Ce nouveau template fait qq nerf mais mets quand mm le pretre tres haut par rapport a avant !

j’aimagine deja la combo indéracinable un pretre et un shaman lightwell + totem de soin et la c’est le drame pour tuer le groupe.


Le buff du lightwell s’arrête dès qu’on reçoit des dégats.

Ouais mais j’imagine déjà des Lightwell derrière les murs sur les boss genre Firemaw :stuck_out_tongue:

Vi, c’est une des utilisations possible.

Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5)
Summons a Healing Stream Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1 min that heals group members within 20 yards for 14 every 2 seconds.

c est sur, en pvp on arrive tellement rarement a lacher 7dps que cet imba totem doit vraiment faire toute la difference :stuck_out_tongue:

plus serieusement j espere que les lightwell peuvent etre detruites (pas par des aoe ofc), meme chose pour l ange sinon … ca va etre tendu.

j imagine le bordel pour trouver quelle lightwell appartient a quel groupe dans les raid. ca va etre fun :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=« Kzi, post:12, topic: 27686 »]Healing Stream Totem (Rank 5)
Summons a Healing Stream Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 1 min that heals group members within 20 yards for 14 every 2 seconds.

c est sur, en pvp on arrive tellement rarement a lacher 7dps que cet imba totem doit vraiment faire toute la difference :stuck_out_tongue:

plus serieusement j espere que les lightwell peuvent etre detruites (pas par des aoe ofc), meme chose pour l ange sinon … ca va etre tendu.[/quote]

l’ange ne peut pas être attaqué

quant aux lightwell, suffit d’être touche et le hot s’arrête.

a priori ca marche pour tout le monde, pas que pour le groupe. suffit de mettrre les lightwells dans un coin je pense.

Pour le Lightwell, on verra exactement à quoi ça ressemble et comment ça marche lors des tests. :stuck_out_tongue:
Mais il suffit d’aoe dans la zone du lightwell pour casser le healing des gens qui l’utilisent. Je parierai donc plus pour un item du genre portail (utilisable mais focus impossible) plutôt que du genre totem.

Pour le Spirit of Redemption :

Le priest a 10s pour faire péter ses plus gros heals sans aucune aggro et s’il a encore le droit d’utiliser ses trinkets, ça peut cartonner…
Quoique… Ca se verra lors des tests mais s’il génère toujours de la menace dans cette forme et comme il est inattaquable, est-ce que ça risque de générer des ‹ évite › et une regen du mob ? We’ll see.

Edit +
Je sens qu’il va y avoir de nouvelles conditions sur l’innervate des droods : « je ne t’innervate qu’en échange d’un Power Infusion ! » :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehehe :stuck_out_tongue:

Pas mal de changement dans la branche Disc:

. (shield) ‹ bouclier amélioré › se prend une grosse baffe, avant il diminuait le cooldown de 15 sec alors qu’il offre maintenant 15% de dégats absorbés en plus. ça j’aime pas du tout.

.Meditation ne demande plus que 3 points (au lieu de 5) pour le même résultat.

.(Divine Spirit) ‹ Esprit divin › voit le buff d’esprit baisser (23 > 17) mais sont coût en mana aussi. je demande à voir ce que donnent les rangs supérieur. Il est plus tôt accessible dans l’arbre pas mal :stuck_out_tongue:

.(Inner Focus) ‹ Focalisation amélioré › voit son cooldown passer de 5 à 3min.

.(Power Infusion) ‹ Infusion de puissance › ne me convainc pas plus que ça.

Du coup j’aurais tendance à booster la branche Holy (miam) et disc ne serait plus que secondaire.

en même temps,

alors bon, vous allez pas raler en plus :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=« Darkdav, post:16, topic: 27686 »]Pas mal de changement dans la branche Disc:

. (shield) ‹ bouclier amélioré › se prend une grosse baffe, avant il diminuait le cooldown de 15 sec alors qu’il offre maintenant 15% de dégats absorbés en plus. ça j’aime pas du tout.[/quote]

« You’re probably also noticing that Improved Power Word: Shield no longer reduces the duration of the weakened soul effect and I’m sure you’re freaking out.
Worry not, this is because the core ability, Power Word: Shield has been improved to only cause a weakened soul effect of 15 seconds, which previously required three talent points, hence the change detailed below. »

Surtout il est maintenant nettement plus bas dans l’arbre donc facilement accessible pour un priest non spe disc.

[quote].(Divine Spirit) ‹ Esprit divin › voit le buff d’esprit baisser (23 > 17) mais sont coût en mana aussi. je demande à voir ce que donnent les rangs supérieur. Il est plus tôt accessible dans l’arbre pas mal :stuck_out_tongue:

.(Inner Focus) ‹ Focalisation amélioré › voit son cooldown passer de 5 à 3min.

.(Power Infusion) ‹ Infusion de puissance › ne me convainc pas plus que ça.[/quote]

Pareil pour moi, sur un healer, ca peut etre tres utile quand ca devient chaud. Mais en temp normal si on fait pas gaffe ca peut juste donner du overheal.
Ou alors, on le balance sur des mages/warlocks :P.

On verra ce que ça donne vraiment durant les tests (oui je me répète :stuck_out_tongue: ) mais je pense que ce talent pourrait être utile pour le full DPS des DD casters.
D’un autre côté, mon main healer qui était Disc/Holy 31/20 compte mettre 26/25, à la release. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“lucasbfr, post:17, topic: 27686”]en même temps,
alors bon, vous allez pas raler en plus :P[/quote]

ah j’ai manqué ça… j’ai rien dis alors ^^

et j’ai encore lu tout de traviole ou Discrétion s’est fait la malle (réduction de la menace de 20%)?
Il faudrait alors absolument mettre des points dans l’arbre disc pour avoir Silent resolve (qui semble maintenant s’appliquer à l’ensemble des sorts).