Patch BF1942 dispo

Le site de EA n’est pas forcément encore à jour mais vous pouvez déjà chopper le patch sur les site de <a href=>WorthPlaying ou 3D Gamers. Je vous préviens, y’a du monde sur le coup, ça rame…

Pour la liste des fix, c’est après et en VO…
Version 1.3 changes


-Optimization of server priorities to improve Net Performance

-Smoother object movements

-Text strings are sent to the server instead of ascii, resulting in smoother text entry.

-No Lag prediction if soldier is sitting in vehicle. This fixes the problem of pilots getting shot out of the cockpit when in a plane.


#Sound improvements and optimizations

-New and improved Sounds in 1st person view for the following weapons:

*Bar 1918




-New streamed sound implementation increases performance and decreases memory usage.

-Problems with SoundBlaster Live on WinXP and Win2000 systems are solved

#Graphical Improvements

-New and improved fire animations in 1st person view for the following weapons:





-New and improved models in 1st person view for the following weapons:



#Gameplay tweaks

-Damage to airplanes from the following has been decreased by 50%:






-Spreading when walking and shooting increased on the following weapons:



-Reloading time on sniper and engineer rifles reduced by 33%.

-Rate of ticket decay when a team holds more than half of the command points has been increased on Head-on maps

-Rate of ticket decay when Attacker holds all the control points on Assault Maps has been reduced by 40%, leaving a better chance for the defender to retake a CP.

-Rate of ticket decay when the defender holds the map reduced by 40% on assault maps.

-Attacker / Defender ticket ratio changed slightly to defenders

favor on assault maps

-When going outside of the map boundaries, soldiers will take 20% of their full health of damage per second (after being warned)


-Decreased Loading times for the game and map changes.

-SafeDisk check only when starting game and not when changing maps

#AI optimization

-The AI in single player mode is much improved. Bots now focus on close range enemies over long ones, especially when their current weapon is not suited for long-range

-Radio and voice command display now have a ‘greyed out’ look for commands that the bots do not respond to.


-Message window has been modified and is now separated into three parts:

  1. User generated chat (radio and chat text) - 4 rows

  2. Game Info (capture control point etc.) - 2 rows

  3. Kills (x killed y) - 3 rows

The number of lines for each message window can be changed as long as it is at least 1 line and the total amount of lines for all message windows do not exceed 12.

These chat windows can be manipulated through new console commands (where ‘int’ is any number between 1 and 12)


No. of lines for chat messages display


No. of lines for game info display


No. of lines for kills info display


Sets the no of lines for all 3 message displays at once


Returns status on how many lines each message window in using.


If set to 1, the the old (v1.2) message window model is used.


No. of rows used if the old message window model is used

-New Ignore input Commands

You can ignore radio messages, radio sounds and also ignore specific players using the following commands:


If 1, No radio text is printed.


If 1, No radio sounds are played.


If 1, both radio sounds and radio text is supressed


Prints status for these settings


Ignores a specific user’s chatting.


Stop ignoring a specific user’s chatting


Returns the list of ignored players

NOTE: you can find a user’s ID by using the ‘game.listPlayers’ command in the console

-Implemented TK Forgive and Punishment system.

By default, players have to wait 1 extra spawn wave for every TK they commit and when they have made 5 TK’s that are not forgiven they will get kicked from the server.

By default, the server is in forgive mode.

There are 2 modes:

  1. If you are killed by a teammate, you can forgive the killer.

The forgive options expires when you die again (auto-punish)

  1. If you are killed by a teammate, you can punish the killer.

The punish options expires when you die again. (auto-forgive)

Admin Console Commands:


The number of extra spawn waves applied

(1.0 = wait 1 spawn wave,

1.5 = wait 1.5 spawn wave… and so on)


When set to 1, players are also banned when kicked for TK


The number of punished TK’s before being kicked


0 : Punish Mode - Players are punished by default, until the

victim forgives the TK

1 : Forgive Mode - Players are forgiven by default, until the

victim punishes the TK

Client Console Commands:


Punish a TK (works only in Forgive Mode).


Forgive a TK (works only in Punish Mode).

-Vote announcement has new text color and icon.

-Added the possibility to tag specific players as a ‘buddy’ and make them more visible in the minimap

Client Console Commands:


Add a user with to the buddy list


Removes a user from the buddy list


Prints a list of your current buddies.

#Rendering optimization

-You can disable tri-linear filtering by adding the line

“renderer.useTrilinearFiltering 0” to your


-SiS Xabre support

-Stripping and vertex-cache optimizing terrain patches. Increases performance for vertex cache enabled T&L cards that are vertex transform bound in BF. I.e. it reduces slowdown somewhat when lots of objects are displayed on screen.

-Optimization of the font writer, decreasing memory usage.

-Possibility to add lightmaps on ships and boats which can highly increase the visual effect

enfin mon pb de son va (peut etre) disparaitre :D)))

Tiens , j’en connais qui vont être intéressés , hum ? Vieux_Gars ? Et les autres ?

Arf, premier serveur que je teste, je tombe sur une team [CAF] :smiley: Je confirme, ils ont déjà tous le patch… :smiley:

C’était donc bien toi le gros fourbe qui jouait en Axe

Méchant Cafeine :smiley:

T’as un train de retard :smiley: On est déjà tous dessus.

m’en fout de la version 1.3 j’ai per du les CDs

Booouuuuhhhh !!!

mwahaha, Cafeine le réparateur de tank :wink:

Muha ha ha ha ha ha, un véritable système de punishing de TK, ça va mal aller !!!

Exit les gros lourds qui montent dans un half-track, arrosent la moitié de leur équipe et partent au front en sifflotant ou bien les gros lourds qui te tuent parce que tu allais monter dans l’avion qu’ils lorgnaient !

(par contre, le team harming ne pourra jamais être empéché, et ça c’est dommage…)

Depuis la release il y a un outil intéressant pour empecher les joueurs de tirer sur les autres : le kickback.

Tu tires sur un joueurs, tu prends une partie (jusqu’à 100%) des dégats que tu lui fais.

Malheureusement, je n’ai vu aucun serveur Friendly Fire qui utilise le Kickback

Excellent !!!

Il ne reste plus qu’à attendre que les serveurs publics généralisent l’usage de ce réglage là ! :smiley:

On a déjà joué sur quelques servers comme ça, mais pas suffisamment, c’est vrai

Il semblerait qu’il y ait un gros cheat dans ce patch qui permettent de voir la position des joueurs :confused:

Bof bof bof , non ?

Dans UT et ces mods y’avait ça… enfin bon, y’a toujours… c’est bien sympa…

Tu la tiens d’où cette info ? :confused:

IL est peut être genial ce patch, mais chez moi il me fout un echo sur TOUT les sons c’est vraiment horrible.

C’est à cause d’une nouvelle fonction implémentée par les developpeurs pour marquer d’une couleur différentes les joueurs/copains sur la map.

Ils sont au courant et préparent le 1.31 pour fixer ça.

Il y a des commandes consoles pour virer les effets sonores.

Va voir sur pour les commandes.

Et il y a le son 3D que tu peux désactiver dans les options

pffff, c’est un peu n’imp, je veux dire, oui, j’avais vite fait remarquer ça quand je testais ce patch en live avec FlupKe, mais c’est pas pour autant que c’est vraiment un wallhack, faut déjà savoir qu’il y a quelqu’un derrière le mur ou la colline, en plus, faut viser droit sur le mec, y’a guerre que s’il est en tank qu’il peut se faire facilement griller, s’il est a pied, ça change pas grand chose…nimp…tssss…moi je sens plutôt le fake