Qui veut gagner un Athlon (64) ?

Mais un bon 32bits ça suffit, il il faut 2x moins de reponses ^^

FULGURO CACA moi aussi 62 :confused:

allé, bonne chance aux autres pr le 64

Hé mais 62 c’est pas mal du tout, c’est  excellent même…! Il me semble que c’est un systeme où on multiplies ses chances avec le nombre de bonnes réponses, t’as plus de billets pour le tirage final ou un truc comme ça, je me trompe ?

Je vais essayer de recouper et de retrouver les deux mauvaises…

Après épluchage approfondi des réponses que je n’ai pas données (de la 1 à la 32), j’en confirme la totalité, donc les erreurs viendraient de la deuxième moitié, je vais me concentrer en priorité sur celles qui m’ont posé probleme et j’édite…

Au passage, pour la fameuse 34, il faut inverser la latitude et la longitude et on tombe bien à Taipeh.
Ce message a été édité par lije le 03/09/2003

Bon ben je trouve pas, hein… Restent la possibilité de l’erreur d’énoncé, j’en ai déja vu (pro des concours en ligne inside) ou l’erreur de saisie des réponses (improbable mais possible)… Je crois que je vais attendre un peu avant de valider, quelqu’un aura peut être trouvé ce qui ne va pas.
Ce message a été édité par lije le 03/09/2003

Bravo à tous pour vos recherches et surtout pour le partage de celles-ci, ça fait plaisir de voir une coopération aussi sympa.

Je propose que le gagnant, s’il est de la cafzone, fasse péter son pot pour tous ceux qui ont participé, non ?

Pour info j’ai mis les même réponses que Noun sauf à la question 7 et j’ai obtenu 61 bonnes réponses.
Ce n’est donc pas sur la question 7 qu’il y a une erreur mais sur deux autres questions dans son post récapitulatif…

Maintenant lesquelles ?
Ce message a été édité par use-writer le 03/09/2003

63/64 en suivant le post recapitulatifs

merci a vous

[quote]63/64 en suivant le post recapitulatifs

merci a vous[/quote]Euh, c’est laquelle la 63eme plus précisément (parce que du coup, je me concentre sur la recherche de la 64eme) ?

wahou ! j’avais pas vu l’évolution de ce thread ! Bon, je sens que j’ai plus qu’à chercher quelles sont les 2 fautes moi

une seule réponse fausse ? ça va être chaud pour trouver l’intru dans ce tas de bonne réponse… (je viens de me rappeler que les 30 premières questions étaient déjà passés par la vérification ultime, allez, j’attaque le reste )

non seulement je trouve pas L’Erreur unique parmis les 64 mais en plus la date fatidique du 15 s’approche inexorablement…

Je ne sais pas comment a fait Haplin2k1 parce que j’ai validé et j’ai eu 62/64 .
Enfin bon, il reste le tirage au sort et je ne pense pas que 62 tickets au lieu de 64 ça change pas grand chose niveau statistiques, en admettant qu’il y ait 100000 participants (sur le monde entier) qui donnent une moyenne de 50 bonnes réponses (c’est une estimation à la va-vite…) ça me fait 62 chances sur 5 millions de gagner (soit 1 chance sur 80000 environ).

C’est pas beaucoup, mais en tenant compte du nombre de Geeks qui ont du jouer avec nos réponses ça me donne une chance non négligeable de boire un pot avec un gagnant de Cafzone et ceux qui ont participé à la recherche, ça serait la moindre des choses…

Ce message a été édité par lije le 08/09/2003

Faut vite valider vos réponses !!!

Bon après avoir fait une grosse vérif (sans trouver d’erreurs), moi aussi j’ai eu 63/64… bizarre

Ce message a été édité par lucasbfr le 14/09/2003

Vite, c’est le dernier jour ! Validez vos réponses !

Je viens de relire le réglement, il est encore temps de participer, la cloture du concours aura lieu cette nuit ou plutot demain matin, mardi à 5h59 heure française.

Pour rappel, récap de nos réponses (62 ou 63 bonnes réponses sur 64 !) :

[quote]1. Don’t let your organization get debriefed - just use this organization’s specifically designed matter management software for in-house legal departments to manage your legal content.
LATITUDE: 32.8760
LONGITUDE: -96.7696

  1. This company made a 64-bit computing splash with AMD CEO Hector Ruiz at his keynote address at COMDEX 2002.
    LATITUDE: 37.3710248738879
    LONGITUDE: -121.965608839029


  1. Headquarters of the company with a vision to have a personal computer on every desk in every home.
    LATITUDE: 47.6446812347193
    LONGITUDE: -122.130216398026


  1. This company uses a 34-node AMD Athlon™ MP processor-based cluster system to help researchers identify small molecules that will either inhibit or activate a targeted protein.
    LATITUDE: 40.5864491237927
    LONGITUDE: -74.6239694374047 

  1. This company’s debut product won more than 50 Game of the Year honors worldwide and was named “Best PC Game Ever” in the November 1999 issue of PC Gamer.
    LATITUDE: 47.620321
    LONGITUDE: -122.208834


  1. This university’s slogan is “A Tradition of Value” and with the help of AMD processors, its supercomputing power outperforms conventional supercomputers by a huge price margin.
    LATITUDE: 38.026313222859
    LONGITUDE: -84.5063584116319 
    University of Kentucky

  1. Vinton Cerf, one of the fathers of the Internet, is an alumnus of this prestigious university.
    LATITUDE: 37.426629443921
    LONGITUDE: -122.16787806111

Stanford University 

  1. Birthplace of the Ethernet.
    LATITUDE: 37.4019963666794
    LONGITUDE: -122.153316097799 
    Palo Alto Research Center

  1. With the AMD Opteron processor, this company’s simulation and 3-D visualization customers will experience faster rendering and computing cycles and will be able to render large databases for real time image generation.
    LATITUDE: 37.5161254126157
    LONGITUDE: -122.268527728719

Aechelon Technology

  1. This movie animation powerhouse was founded in a Berkeley garage – and has digitally created some of the most ferrous prehistoric creatures to grace the silver screen.
    LATITUDE: 37.8568425691726
    LONGITUDE: -122.289305164174

Tippett Studios

  1. 2003 Hollywood credits of this company include “X-Men 2”, “Daredevil” and “Gigli.”
    LATITUDE: 33.9814068944857
    LONGITUDE: -118.41639665948 
    Rhythm&Hues Studios

  1. AMD processor-based technology helps this company perform computational fluid dynamics simulations of the flow environments during flight.
    LATITUDE: 41.8831571226251
    LONGITUDE: -87.6388061084048


  1. This entertainment pioneer ushered in a brave new world where “live” and “computer generated” performances are one and the same.
    LATITUDE: 34.1965032118277
    LONGITUDE: -118.34455672979

Jim Henson’s Creature Shop

  1. This company thinks outside the “box” when it comes to delivering hardware and software for the digital content creation market.
    LATITUDE: 30.3881741457362
    LONGITUDE: -97.7226924933365

Boxx Tech

  1. Using AMD processors, this studio has produced stunning 3-D effects in the latest “Spy Kids” movie, and the filmmaker is a true Texan.
    LATITUDE: 30.2672251559136
    LONGITUDE: -97.7429986457389

Troublemaker Studios

  1. The site of the AMD Athlon™ 64 launch on Sept. 23, 2003.
    LATITUDE: 37.7861535263576
    LONGITUDE: -122.401866681696 
    Yerba Buena Center

  1. George Lucas turned to this organization to realize his vision for a new era of Star Wars films.
    LATITUDE: 38.0526777530552
    LONGITUDE: -122.64748028425

JAK Films

  1. Working with AMD, this company transformed crime scene video analysis.
    LATITUDE: 34.6649
    LONGITUDE: -86.7508 
    Intergraph Corporate

  1. Powered by 11 state-of-the-art AMD Athlon™ processor-based systems, this company offers a sneak preview into the future of computer aided design (CAD).
    LATITUDE: 40.0703122187824
    LONGITUDE: -75.6871976647439

Bentley Systems Software

  1. This company specializes in AMD processor-based, high-performance computing solutions in markets including rendering, bio-informatics, on-line trading, scientific computing and oil & gas exploration.
    LATITUDE: 42.344554
    LONGITUDE: -071.031903

Angstrom Microsystems 

  1. At this location you can find well over 1,500 AMD-based servers that have been up and running 24 hours a day for over two years with no downtime, whatsoever.
    LATITUDE: 29.4286076994303
    LONGITUDE: -98.4928714543363


  1. The world’s only Linux operating system provider who guarantees absolute platform independence and 64-bit power to generate real computing results.
    LATITUDE: 49.4541042137878
    LONGITUDE: 11.0634601628639

SuSE Linux 

  1. Headquarters of the company that has developed a highly advanced 3-D Engine, the CryENGINE.
    LATITUDE: 50.2672416495724
    LONGITUDE: 10.9712457788796 

  1. Manufacturing facility which produces AMD64 processors.
    LATITUDE: 51.12937
    LONGITUDE: 13.171640 
    Dresden Fab 30

  1. A world leader in mobile communications, this well-known Finnish company added mobility to the Internet to create new opportunities for companies and people around the globe.
    LATITUDE: 60.17840
    LONGITUDE: 24.83530


  1. The largest commercial organization to offer Web server infrastructure solutions, this company claims over 15 billion pages served through search.ebay.com.
    LATITUDE: 52.2311805831395
    LONGITUDE: 0.159480901715618


  1. This company’s offerings for the AMD Opteron™ and the upcoming AMD Athlon™ 64 processors let customers “check” their systems, with a full-spectrum hardware analysis and component testing for all makes of computer systems.
    LATITUDE: 50.7215926633508
    LONGITUDE: -1.87866893097798

Eurosoft Ltd

  1. This company is not only a technology leader; it also boasts its own record label.
    LATITUDE: 55.755592345812
    LONGITUDE: -4.30271181859538

Linn Products Limited

  1. A leading innovator and developer of PC core logic chipsets, microprocessors, and multimedia and communications chips.
    LATITUDE: +25.03330
    LONGITUDE: +121.63330

VIA Technologies Inc.

  1. Designer of Taiwan’s first mass-produced computer for export.
    LATITUDE: +25.03330
    LONGITUDE: +121.63330

Acer Incorporated

  1. This company received the “Gold Medallion" for AMD platform motherboards in AC Digital Magazine and was the first to introduce ultra speed CDRW.
    LATITUDE: +25.13330
    LONGITUDE: +121.50000 

  1. One of the world’s leading suppliers of integrated circuits for a number of market segments including personal computers, PC peripherals, DVD players and embedded PC systems and appliances.
    LATITUDE: +25.03330
    LONGITUDE: +121.63330

ALi Corporation

  1. A worldwide leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of leading-edge logic products, including core logic, connectivity, and information appliance.
    LATITUDE: 24.82
    LONGITUDE: 120.98

Silicon Integrated Systems Corp.

  1. Ranked number three in Taiwan as a mainboard manufacturer, this company specializes in the design and manufacturing of mainboards and add-on cards.
    LATITUDE: 121.45
    LONGITUDE: 25.02


  1. This motherboard manufacturer is a six-time consecutive winner of the “Taiwan Symbol of Excellence”.
    LATITUDE: 24.937
    LONGITUDE: 121.546

Gigabyte Tech

  1. From desktops to laptops, workstations to handheld devices, video game consoles to integrated solutions, this company has established itself as a world leader in the design and manufacturing of innovative 3D graphics solutions.
    LATITUDE: 43.8394872254568
    LONGITUDE: -79.3810595905351

ATI Technologies

  1. A Canada-based company whose 3-D and editing capabilities were used on The Second Renaissance Part I of The Animatrix.
    LATITUDE: 45.5130099306096
    LONGITUDE: -73.5704878900111 

  1. A recognized leader in the design and manufacturing of high performance personal entertainment systems.
    LATITUDE: 51.0398863088626
    LONGITUDE: -114.063810799565


  1. Its flagship product was recognized twice in 2002 by PC Magazine - a “Best Product” of 2002 and “Editor’s Choice award,” April 2002.
    LATITUDE: 43.8274763378013
    LONGITUDE: -79.326575171526

Net Integration Technologies Inc.

  1. Originally manufactured “Hanafuda,” playing cards in Kyoto starting in 1889, and launched the first 64-bit gaming console in 1996.
    LATITUDE: 34.96334
    LONGITUDE: 135.74071


  1. A company with a history of technology innovation, it was a co-developer of the CD, DVD, and Super Audio CD, and was the first to deliver music while we “walk”.
    LATITUDE: 35.60596
    LONGITUDE: 139.73781


  1. This company developed the first AMD64 Linux OS available in Japan.
    LATITUDE: 35.66434
    LONGITUDE: 139.67342

Turbolinux, Inc

  1. The largest single place in the world to buy electronics.
    LATITUDE: 35.700
    LONGITUDE: 139.767

Akihabara Station 

  1. This organization hosts the Supercomputer Programming Contest (SuperCon) for high school students.
    LATITUDE: 35.62904
    LONGITUDE: 139.69004

Tokyo Institute of Technology

  1. Do you consider yourself an AMD history buff? Then you will know this city as the birthplace of the company’s current leader.
    LATITUDE: 25.66670
    LONGITUDE: -102.96670

Piedras Negras

  1. AMD provides assistance to this private organization in Mexico dedicated to building computer labs in Mexican schools.
    LATITUDE: 25.50340
    LONGITUDE: -99.78964


  1. A member of AMD Direct in Latin America, this company is a key distributor of the AMD Opteron™ processor.
    LATITUDE: 27.23263
    LONGITUDE: -100.13439

Microtel de Mexico

  1. Previously an operating unit with IBM, this company has evolved into a standalone public company and leader in the electronics manufacturing services industry.
    LATITUDE: 25.50340
    LONGITUDE: -99.78964


  1. One of the world’s top-five publishers and distributors of video games, as well as all interactive digital television platforms and in-flight entertainment systems.
    LATITUDE: 45.77199
    LONGITUDE: 4.88982

Infogrames France

  1. This company delivered one of the first business-class operating systems available for the AMD64.
    LATITUDE: 48.8671450772736
    LONGITUDE: 2.34505559184761 

  1. A manufacturer and distributor in France of a wide range of servers, including AMD Athlon™ MP processors.
    LATITUDE: 48.6822416111576
    LONGITUDE: 6.19670193109876 

  1. Boasts a high-performance, 64-bit enterprise computing installation.
    LATITUDE: 43.5739943573238
    LONGITUDE: 1.40595612755475

123 Multimedia

  1. Association of the leading companies in the field of software development - comprises more than 50 companies with 6,000 highly qualified software developers.
    LATITUDE: 55.75061
    LONGITUDE: 37.62767


  1. Created in June 1992, this institution seeks out and creates new business opportunities by providing top level contacts, scientists and experts in Europe, Russia and the CIS.
    LATITUDE: 55.79699
    LONGITUDE: 37.51429 

  1. This Polish company is a provider of content management solutions for Web sites, intranets and extranets
    LATITUDE: 52.417
    LONGITUDE: 16.967

RedDot Solutions

  1. Engineering education began at this institution in 1826. Today, it is the largest academic school of technology in Poland.
    LATITUDE: 52.22019
    LONGITUDE: 21.01429

Warsaw University of Technology

  1. Established in 1988, this university’s Laboratory of Information Processing’s main research fields include machine vision, neural computing applications, evolutionary algorithms, and software engineering.
    LATITUDE: 61.00540
    LONGITUDE: 27.95589

East Finland Graduate School in Computer Science and Engineering

  1. This Finnish organization has contributed the country’s success by being the principal public promoter of research and development.
    LATITUDE: 60.16995
    LONGITUDE: 24.93858 

  1. This company will be the official wireless communications equipment partner for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.
    LATITUDE: 37.26420
    LONGITUDE: 127.01388 

  1. The first to develop industrial Radio Communication Systems and CCTV cameras, this company’s focus today includes IMT-2000, Intelligent Transport System (ITS) and Ultra-Narrow Band radio communications.
    LATITUDE: 37.51776
    LONGITUDE: 127.01663

Unimo Technology

  1. Located in the “Silicon Valley of India,” and established in 1909, it has grown into a premier institution of research and advanced instruction with more than 2000 active researchers working in almost all frontier areas of science and technology.
    LATITUDE: 12.983
    LONGITUDE: 77.583 
    Indian Institute of Science

  1. Located in the commercial capital of India, it was ranked 3rd amongst Asia’s best technology universities in 2000 by an Asiaweek study.
    LATITUDE: 12.97470
    LONGITUDE: 77.58769

Indian Institute of Information Technology

  1. India’s most valuable company, it was ranked by BusinessWeek as the 7th best software services company in the world.
    LATITUDE: 12.97470
    LONGITUDE: 77.58769

Wipro Technologies

  1. A pioneer in the Indian IT market, this company has 26 years of expertise in offering customers "total technology solutions."
    LATITUDE: 28.51
    LONGITUDE: 77.33

HCL Infosystems[/quote]
Ce message a été édité par lije le 15/09/2003

le résultat est tombé
le gagnant est un certain Marty Rice vivant das l’Ohio
je suis déçu, ya même pas les réponses des questions rien :frowning: