[résolu]Eclipse + gprof


J’ai un projet C sous Eclipse (linux) et j’aimerais utiliser gprof afin d’optimiser mes algorithmes. J’ai suivi scrupuleusement ceci récupéré sur les news eclipse CDT :

[quote]== Setting up gprof ==

The basic method to using gprof is to
|| Step || Instruction ||
||1) || Get the program working (debug it, etc) ||
||2) || Configure the project so the -pg option is used ||
||3) || Rebuild the project ||
||4) || Run the program (First cut I did ‘’‘Run’’’ on the debug build)
||5) || Run the external tool ‘’‘gprof’’’ ||

=== configuring the project so the -pg option is used ===

  • Select the project and right click to bring up the context sensitive
    menu. Choose ‘’‘properties’’’
  • A properties dialog will appear
    • In the left pane, select ‘’‘C/C++ Build’’’

    • In the right pane (configuration settings groupbox), select

    • Make sure the following settings are observed (minimally)

      || Field Name || Value ||
      || Debug Level || ‘’‘Maximum (-g3)’’’ ||
      || Other Debugging Flags || ‘’’-ggdb’’’ ||
      || Generate prof information (-p) || ‘’‘unchecked’’’ ||
      || Generate gprof information (-pg) || ‘’‘checked’’’ ||

    • Press ‘’‘OK’’’ or ‘’‘Apply’’’ then ‘’‘OK’’’ to accept the changes.
      === Preparing to do a run ===

  • On the menu select, ‘’‘Project | Rebuild All’’’ to build the project.
  • On the menu select, ‘’‘Run | Run…’’’ to open up the run
    configuration dialog.
    • Once you have run once, you can just do ‘’‘Run | Run last
  • Press the ‘’‘New’’’ button and then select what build to run and what
    arguments to use.
  • Press the ‘’‘Apply’’’ button to save your changes.
  • Press the ‘’‘Run’’’ button to run your program.
    • from the linux shell you should see a new file appear called
      gmon.out in the directory where the program was executed from.[/quote]

La seule différence est que j’exécute le programme depuis un terminal. Mais à la fin de l’exécution, aucun fichier “gmon.out”, ni dans le dossier des sources, ni dans le dossier Debug. Quelqu’un aurait une idée du problème ? Faut-il impérativement lancer l’exécution depuis l’interface Eclipse (run…) ?

Merci d’avance,

J’ai résolu le problème en écrivant un makefile à la main avec l’option -gp. Ca fonctionne.