[Guide]Pour que vos mods marchent avec l'Open beta

Bonjour à tous,

Depuis le passage à l’open beta et le passage de la version 0.1.x à 0.3.x (0.3.1 à l’écriture de ce sujet), pas mal de gens se sont plains que leurs mods ne marchaient plus car ils étaient développés pour une ancienne version.
Comme faire pour les refaire marcher ?

Le HON mod manager ( http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=25883 ) est un soft qui permet d’installer, d’activer et de mettre à jour les mods les plus connus (entre autre le trop trop bien bardUI).
Celui -ci utilise des *.honmod qui sont un peu comme des fichiers docx d’office 2007, c’est à dire un fichier zip qui contient des XML et du contenu.

Il existe donc dans tous les fichiers HONMOD un petit XML qui résume le contenu du mod. Utiliser votre éditeur de texte habituel (notepad sous windows marche très bien) pour éditer ce petit fichier.

[code]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
application=« Heroes of Newerth » fixed
appversion=« 0.3 » game version requirement (shown is « anything starting with 0.3 »)
mmversion=« 1.3 » fixed, the version of the file format
name=« The Mod’s Name » It is strongly recommended to keep this name consistent as it will identify the mod.
version=« 1.0 » The current version of the mod. Should grow with each new release.
description=« blahblahblah » Explanatory text about the mod to be shown when selected in the Mod Manager (optional)
author=« Your Nickname » Will be shown below the mod’s name. (optional)
weblink=« http://www.com/ » A clickable link to be shown below the description text. (optional)
updatecheckurl="http://…/version.txt"A URL to a text file containing the newest version number. (optional)
updatedownloadurl="http://…/m.honmod"A URL to a .honmod file that will be downloaded and replace this mod file when the text file specified above contains a higher version number than this mod currently has. (optional)

 <!-- Of the elements being described below each kind may appear any number of times and in any order -->

 <incompatibility name="Other mod" version="1.0-1.4" />
 <!-- States an incompatibility with certain versions of another mod to be abided by the Mod Manager; this mod cannot be enabled when the other mod is enabled. -->

 <requirement name="Other mod" version="2.5.1-*" />
 <!-- States a dependence on another mod to be abided by the Mod Manager; this mod cannot be enabled when the other mod is not present and enabled. -->

 <applyafter name="Other mod" version="2.5.1-*" />
 <applybefore name="Other mod" version="2.5.1-*" />
 <!-- If the specified other mod is enabled, this mod will be applied after/before it. -->

 <copyfile name="path1" source="path2" overwrite="newer" version="1.0" condition="..." />
 <!-- Copies a supportive file from the mod archive. If "path2" is not specified the file "path1" is copied, if it is "path2" is copied and renamed to "path1".
	  overwrite specifies a controlled behaviour in case the target file already exists:
	  "yes"   -> target file is overwritten
	  "no"	-> target file is left as is
	  "newer" -> target file is overwritten if its version is lower than the one specified by the version attribute
	 If the condition attribute is specified the copying is only performed if the given condition is true. A condition can consist of another mod being enabled or disabled or a boolean expression combining multiple such conditions. Examples of valid condition strings:
	 'Tiny UI'
	 not 'Tiny UI'
	 'Tiny UI[v3.0]' and 'Automatic Ability Learner[v1.1-1.5]'
	 ('BardUI' or ('Improved UI by Barter[v1.08]' and 'Improved UI Addon - Juking Map')) and not 'Tiny UI' -->

 <editfile name="path" condition="...">
	 <!-- Edits a file from resources0.s2z or one that has already been copied
		 If condition is specified this editfile tag is only executed if the given condition is true; uses the same syntax as for copyfile. -->

	 <!-- Files are edited by executing a sequence of steps, each being represented by one of the four elements below.
		  All elements need a string as input, which can either be delivered as inner text node (between the <operation></operation> tags) or read from a file in the mod archive specified by a source attribute.
		  Every operation interacts with a "cursor" variable which points to a area in the file and starts out at the beginning of the file. -->
	 <find position="end" /> <!-- synonyms for "find" are "seek" and "search" -->
	 <!-- Moves the "cursor" to the next occurrence of the source string
		  OR as specified by the position attribute, possible values being:
		  "start"	 -> Beginning of the file (synonyms: "begin", "head", "before")
		  "end"	   -> End of the file (synonyms: "tail", "after", "eof")
		  any integer -> Move forward the specified number of characters (negative values allowed) -->
	 <findup /> <!-- synonyms for "findup" are "seekup" and "searchup" -->
	 <!-- Moves the "cursor" to the next occurrence of the source string, but searching backwards. -->
	 <insert position="after" /> <!-- synonym for "insert" is "add" -->
	 <!-- Inserts the source string at the "cursor", either before or after as the position attribute specifies. -->
	 <replace />
	 <!-- Replaces the string pointed to by the "cursor" with the source string. -->

	 <delete />
	 <!-- Deletes the string pointed to by the "cursor". Does not require a source string. -->

(source : le lien d’au dessus)

Vous devrez alors modifier la propriété suivante : appversion:« x.x »
du tag et remplacer la valeur entre les guillemets par 3.x .

Et voilà, rechargez le mod dans le manager, appliquez le et c’est reparti !

(protip : garder une copie du mod avant modification pour pouvoir le remettre au cas ou…)

Sauf que, ca veut pas dire qu’ils vont marcher vu que ya eu des changements dans le front end 2. Et yavait deja un post comme ca sur les forum de hon : http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=91388

Tout le monde ne va pas sur le forum HoN. Et il y a un gros “disclaimer” pour tous les mods qui modifient l’interface du “non jeu”. Dans tous les cas, si tu te fais jeter par le HONmanager, tu peux oublier le mod.

et tu peux meme mettre * dans la version c’est encore + facile et + rapide :smiley: