Apex Legends, la surprise de Respawn

Same et encore, ça c’est la version polie. F U C K les dailies. FUCK THEM ALL. Perso si le 3eme BP est sur le même système, même is j’adore le jeu, ça va être compliqué de pas le désinstaller. Et j’ai tout fait pour le moment, comme un gros iencli, à part la mission avec cette bouse de L-Star qui drop plus jamais, merci Respawn. Mais y’a bien longtemps que ça m’amuse plus…

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Respawn Official

Respawn official: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/apex-legends/news/ranked-league-series-2

Hey everyone! Apex Legends™ Ranked mode designers here and we’re back to talk about Ranked Leagues Series 2 for Apex Legends. We’ll revisit our goals, talk about some results, and detail how Ranked Leagues will work when Series 2 launches with Season 3.


  • Ranked League Series 1 scoring system worked well, we’re making a few improvements.
  • Ranked matchmaking created really intense games, we’ll continue to improve it.
  • A soft reset of your rank is coming, along with some ranked cosmetic rewards.


We want to quickly review our four goals for Ranked and comment a bit on some of the Series 1 results so far. Keep in mind that we’re trying to improve the systems with each update, and some outcomes will take longer to tune than others.

  • Create a true measure of skill in Apex Legends. We launched Ranked Leagues with a score-based system rather than a hidden ELO-type system. So far, we’re pleased with the results. The system was easily understood by new and veteran players alike, and gave us a good baseline calibration of skill for future Series. As of 9/10 we have the following distribution among players who played more than 5 hours of Ranked:
    • 5.1% Bronze
    • 40.0% Silver
    • 35.7% Gold
    • 16.8% Platinum
    • 2.1% Diamond
    • 0.2% Apex Predator

This is a pretty solid distribution for a system with no demotion, and we’re using this as the skill calibration for Series 2.

  • Reward competitive players for the time they invest in Apex Legends. As competitive players, we generally believe that the best reward for ranked play is your rank itself. That being said, we’re offering cosmetic rewards to everyone based on their highest score ranked. Badges, gun charms, and dive trails will be awarded to ranked players when the new Series kicks off. Watch for an alert on your first login after the reset! Scroll down to see the rewards in a video preview.
  • Ensure competitive integrity through skill-based matchmaking. We made lots of changes to matchmaking across Series 1 to ensure that people were getting into games quickly and versus similarly skilled players. As expected, this was more difficult at the highest end of the skill spread, and we ended up having to match Apex Predators down with Platinum players in many regions depending on the time of day and player population. We’ll continue to monitor this and will make adjustments as needed. We’re hoping that Series 2 will more quickly calibrate players’ skills and will result in more evenly distributed matchmaking buckets.
  • Let top-tier Apex Legends players compete at the highest levels of skill. Ranked Leagues has produced some of the most intense late game scenarios to date. We were very pleased to see some new high level strategies emerge from the high RP players throughout the season. To try and increase the intensity, and encourage more aggressive play - we’re introducing some new changes to the scoring system in Series 2. Let’s get into the details.


Now that we have a bit of a look into how Series 1 went, here’s what to expect when Series 2 kicks off.


Parts of the system are working as intended, and we won’t be making any changes to them. There will be no changes to the Tiers & Divisions in Series 2. The level requirement for ranked play will remain at 10. Playing with friends will continue to matchmake up to the highest ranked player.


At the start of Series 2 everyone will be soft reset on their ranked position, and the scoring system will be updated. The reset will be 1.5 Tiers down for all players. That means if you ended Series 1 in Gold II, you’ll be reset to Silver IV. Players in Platinum IV will be reset to Silver II, and Apex Predators will be reset to Platinum II. This means that players will need less time to climb to their true skill ranking, and will have more time to compete at their actual skill level and try to climb higher than before.


The Series 1 scoring system worked well, but we want to make some improvements. Here’s what we’re trying to accomplish, and how the new system works. First off, we need a bit more granularity in the point spread, so we’re 10x’ing all the points in the whole system. At first glance this may just look like point inflation, but in reality we need to be able to reward something in between 1 RP and 2 RP, so going to 10, 15, 20 RP gives us that flexibility. We’re also updating the match entry RP costs slightly.


Each Ranked match will require RP to play based on your tier:

  • Bronze matches are still free
  • Silver matches cost 12RP
  • Gold matches cost 24RP
  • Platinum matches cost 36RP
  • Diamond matches cost 48RP
  • Apex Predator matches cost 60RP


This time we’re also adding assists to the kill count score. Assists are defined as dealing damage to a player within 5 seconds before they are knocked down. If a player is revived, the assist credit is cleared. Assist credit is only given to teammates of a player who earns the kill. A player cannot get a kill and an assist on a single opponent. Previously damage dealt 0.75 seconds before a player is knocked down or before a knocked player was eliminated counted as an assist, so it was technically possible that you could earn 2 assists on one target.

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The new combined kill & assist score is still capped at 5 per match, but with a placement multiplier. Although the 5 kill cap was initially controversial, we didn’t see many players actually hit the cap too often, and it did reduce hot-dropping as we intended.


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New in Series 2, Apex Predator ranked players will no longer just have their RP shown - but will now see their standing worldwide. This should create some intense competition among the most skilled players around the world.These ladder positions are split by platform, so we will have three players on Playstation, XBox and PC each claim #1 in the world respectively.


Cosmetic rewards for your ranked performance are coming! Once the new Series starts, you will get a notification on login that your rank has been reset and you’ve been awarded any earned cosmetics. Everyone will receive a badge that shows their highest level reached. Platinum and higher players will receive an exclusive gun charm for their highest level reached. Lastly, Diamond and Apex Predator players will receive a custom dive trail for their highest rank reached, which can be enabled or disabled in the Loadouts section.


We deactivated leaver penalties in Series 1 to be overly cautious on false positives. This time we’re starting Ranked Series 2 with leaver penalties enabled. Players who abandon their teammates will be hit with a matchmaking penalty in both regular and Ranked matches. Penalties will result in a player being barred from joining a match for escalating amounts of time based on how often they have abandoned in Ranked. An abandon is defined as leaving the game before the match is over for you; this includes leaving during character select, leaving while you are alive, and leaving when you are dead but can still be respawned by teammates. Penalty times start out at five minutes, and repeat abandons will increase that time up to a week.


We introduced the Loss Forgiveness system when Ranked first arrived, and we’re pleased to report that it is working as intended. Players are not getting penalized RP for when their teammates drop from the game, or some other technical problem hits that is out of their control. We’ll continue to keep an eye on how players are unintentionally moving down the ladder and make changes as needed.

Overall, we’re really happy with how the introduction of Ranked Leagues has worked out, and we’re excited for what we can learn and adjust as this second wave gets out to players.


Edit : Et des infos sur la saison 3, avec la nouvelle arme, ICI.

1 « J'aime »

Nouvelle map : World’s Edge.

HYPE TRAIN TCHOU TCHOUU :steam_locomotive:

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Certains streamers / playtesters ont pu mettre la main sur le contenu de la saison 3, voici ce qu’ils ont rapporté :

New info:

World’s Edge


Charge Rifle

  • Energy sniper, takes Extended Energy Mag, Scope and Sniper Stock as hop-ups
  • Works similarly to alt-fire Havoc, except consumes 1 ammo per shot, deals much more damage, and…
  • The initial targeting laser deals small damage before the powerful hit. Up to 75 damage per shot (body)
  • Some footage of the Charge Rifle here


  • Disruptor Rounds removed
  • Skullpiercer Rifling removed
  • Double Tap: Fires 2 shots in rapid succession with every trigger pull. For the G7 Scout and the Eva 8 Shotgun. (Purple)
  • Anvil Reciever: Makes semi auto shots do more damage, with a slower rate of fire and uses more ammo. For the R-301 and VK47-Flatline. (Gold)

Legend Changes (not 100% confirmed)

  • Pathfinder Grapple Range reduced.
  • Characters inside Gibraltar’s Dome Shield have reduced item use time.
  • Unconfirmed Bloodhound and Bangalore changes

Item Changes

  • Golden Backpack perk changed to Guardian Angel: Revived allies have increased shields and health when you revive them
  • Golden Body Shield takes the old Fast Use perk from the backpack

La liste complète sur le thread Reddit. Le patchnote officiel et complet sera dévoilé demain.

Autre info, le Training mode va inclure tous les items et attachments. (pour permettre de tester les armes et leurs comportements)

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King’s Canyon comeback :heart::heart::heart:
La nouvelle map est chouette et tout et tout, mais niveau gameplay, c’est clairement moins ma cam.

Certains nouveaux skins sont classes, mais restent abusé niveau tarif.

Et pour ceux qui auraient les poches bien pleines, Respawn a pensé a vous avec un nouveau set Heirloom pour Lifeline (qui sera « gratuit » ! lul) à condition d’acheter tous les items de l’event, pour la modique somme de 170$. (Sur l’event précédent de la saison 2, il fallait acheter tous les items pour débloquer le droit d’acheter le set Heirloom de Bloodhound à 3.500 Apex Coins soit 35€ pour un total de 200€ :money_mouth_face:)

Sinon l’avancement du battlepass fait son bonhomme de chemin : level 21 atm. Le contenu est pas dégueu.
Reste ce système foireux de dailies qui rend ouf, mais bon … Deal with it.

Un patch d’équilibrage devrait aussi être déployé en même temps que la sortie de l’event prévu pour demain qui va nerf le Charged Rifle (enfin !).
D’après le devstream que j’ai linké au dessus, la quantité d’ammo consommées par shoot va être augmentée, ainsi que du damage fall-off.
Good shit Respawn.:+1:

PATCH NOTES 3.1 + Duos - Nov 5

Hey Legends,

It’s PATCH NOTE TIME! See below for all details from Respawn. Do you have a buddy lined up for Duos yet?!


Duos trailer here: https://twitter.com/PlayApex/status/1189587967641145344

Duos are now LIVE on all platforms!


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Firing Range


From the lobby, you can now select the firing range. Here you can practice playing around with all the weapons, items, and Legends.

  • Can enter the firing range solo or with your squad.
  • You can change to any Legend and use their abilities and ultimates.
  • All loot items are available to play with including weapons, attachments, and hop-ups.
  • Target DUMMIES available to practice those headshots.
  • Future improvements to come! Please give us your feedback.


  • Wingman
    • Reduced the headshot multiplier: 2.15 → 2.1
  • Changes to Projectile Collision: We’ve increased the projectile width on some weapons so they are easier to hit with. We made this change to the TripleTake in Season 2 and the following will be updated for this patch:
    • Shotguns: All shotguns will have projectiles with a small amount of width.
    • L-STAR
    • Snipers: The Longbow DMR, Kraber, and G7 Scout.


  • In an effort to surface easier challenges to players more often and offer a balanced set of challenges each day, Daily Challenge distribution has been adjusted so players are guaranteed to receive 1 easy, 1 medium, and 1 hard challenge.
  • You can now spend Legend Tokens to reroll Daily Challenges.
    • Cost increases with each purchase before capping out at 1000 Legend Tokens.
      • First reroll: 200 Legend Tokens
      • Second reroll: 500 Legend Tokens
      • Third or more reroll: 1000 Legend Tokens for each reroll.
    • Cost resets every day
  • You can now adjust the game cursor velocity in Settings → Controller. This will apply to cursor velocity in all menus including the Lobby, Pause/Inventory menus, and Death Box inventories.
  • We now show you what Music Pack you have selected while dropping into the map. If you only have the “default” Pack selected you won’t see anything.
  • Improved flow from Lobby to Match that fixes some minor bugs and will hopefully get players into matches a bit faster.
    • Disabling pregame spawning of players before character selection. This will address cases where players might hear someone voice comms or other sounds before the Legend selection starts.
    • The “Waiting for Players…” transition now shows the game world instead of a black screen.
    • Removed the 5 second countdown that would start at the beginning of Legend selection.
  • Player will now be able to view the ammo types of their squadmates equipped weapons when in the inventory menu.
  • [Controller] you can now open the quip wheel by holding down on the dpad (you can still do it the old way - open ping menu and press Y)
  • [PC] Quick Chat binding should now auto bind to F1 if it isn’t bound to anything (assuming nothing is already bound to F1)


  • Players will no longer receive a penalty for abandoning a match if they leave after 2 and a half minutes have passed since their Banner was picked up after dying. As a reminder: players will be warned via the menus if their leaving may trigger abandon penalties; if the warning does not show up players are free to leave.

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Leaving Match 1

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Leaving Match 2


  • Fixed a bug where players would stay in place while the train keeps moving when reviving another player.
  • Updated the layout of the minimap that was previously showing a route that doesn’t exist.
  • Fixed cases where players could drop into Out of Bounds areas without getting the timer.
  • Fixed cases of some areas where players could take lava damage near the Volcano when there isn’t any lava.
  • Fixed display issue with post game where it would show you earning 2 battle pass levels for leveling up via Stars.


  • Crypto
    • EMP now will damage armor that players have dropped.
    • Fixed a bug where Lifeline’s drone couldn’t heal Crypto while he was in the drone.
    • Fix for friendly Caustic gas kicking Crypto out of his drone.
  • Bangalore
    • Fixed bug where sometimes the missiles from Bangalore’s Ultimate would disappear after landing on the train.


Je comprends pas trop le buff sur les shootgun, le peacekeeper et l’EVA-8 étaient déjà suffisamment puissants selon moi. Reste le Mozambique à condition qu’on le considère comme une arme …

Pour les duos par contre, c’est selon : statistiquement on a moins de chance de tomber sur un random boulet, mais aussi statistiquement plus de chance d’avoir une partie de merde avec un random boulet. :stuck_out_tongue:

J’ai laché un peu Apex ces derniers temps, à cause du nouveau CoD qui se laisse jouer, sans non plus être une révolution. Un Callof quoi.

J’attends et je prie pour le retour d’un mode solo permanent. Jouer en squad avec des randoms, ça commence à peser sur mon plaisir de jeu. Les parties avec des teammates pas débiles, représentent à peine 1/4 de mes parties, ça fait maigre. :confused: L’insta-leave ou le rush sans stuff et sans réfléchir 2 secondes, au secours quoi.

Fallait pas nous laisser gouter au mode solo, et nous retirer la cuillere de la bouche si vite Respawn. :unamused:

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C’est mieux le chat ingame ou toujours de la merde ?

On dirait que c’est fixed, je viens de faire une game et c’était clean.

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Bon, je viens enfin de tester le jeu, et cébien. Mais a plusieurs, cémieu. Si y’a des masos prêt a encaisser un noob avec encore beaucoup trop de reflexe de PUBG, mon pseudo Origin : Te0cali

J’ai repris le jeu, et je m’amuse bien plus qu’a sa sortie; ne plus avoir de crash toutes les 2 parties, le mode ranked qui, il me semble, incite à jouer un peu plus sérieusement (je n’ai pas eu en ranked de type qui donne le jump master, et néanmoins saute tout seul), et le feeling général est plus sympa (enfin on peut vraiment sniper).
Bref, apres une bonne pause, ça fait bien plaisir.

Je t’ajoute asap. :slight_smile: (GZ-Phantom sur Origin)
Je joue un peu moins ces derniers temps (callof entre autres …), mais je suis toujours actif sur le jeu. Je continue de grind le battlepass (j’ai déjà fait une bonne moitié).
N’hésites pas à me ping dès que t’es dispo et que tu me vois ingame.
Je ne joue pas ranked, je n’ai même pas le souvenir d’avoir lancé une seule partie en classé, mais je n’ai rien contre. :wink:

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Noté. J’essaye de jouer le soir, mais entre la famille et le boulot (Free-lance Life) c’est parfois compliqué.

Bon, séance hier soir avec @phantom et un autre pote, vraiment plus sympa a plusieurs.

j’y retournerai, çacésur, mais entre PUBG et Apex mon cœur balance. Je retrouve pas chez Apex cette lente montée d’adrénaline qu’on peut avoir sur PUBG, au fur et à mesure de la partie. là, typiquement, j’ai fait mon premier taupun sur Apex, j’ai pu relancer aussitôt. La première fois que j’en ai fait un sur PUBG, y ma fallu 10 minutes pour m’en remettre.

A coté de ça, une partie d’Apex est moins contraignante et moins frustante. Vu le TTK plus élevé, y’a moins de risque de se faire dégommer d’une seule bastos par un loustic a 200 mètre qu’on a pas vu. Et la communication, bien que très importante, est moins vitale que chez PUBG. Donc moins de frustration a jouer avec des pickups

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Au plaisir de remettre ça. :slight_smile:

La montée d’adrenaline est bien présente chez moi, à condition d’être en zone restreinte (cercle bien avancé) et faire partie du top 5.
Sinon c’est vrai qu’en early / mid game, c’est moins présent. Peut-être que le ranked peut changer la donne à ce niveau là, avec la pression supplémentaire qu’apporte le compétitif.

Mais quand deux escouades se surveillent en ayant un visu sur l’une sur l’autre, que tout d’un coup l’une se fait backstab par la derniere team restante qui manquait à l’appel, c’est … :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:

Il faut réagir vite pour sauver sa peau, et si ça se termine bien, se tenir prêt à recevoir la team avec laquelle on échangeait des regards pas forcément amicaux, qui sont en train de nous rush comme des gorets, pour finir ceux qui n’ont pas encore été transformé en lootboxes -et souvent- pour récolter toute la gloire. :unamused:

Mais si par chance skill, ta team est la dernière debout, ce jeu c’est de la vraie drogue dure. :heart_eyes::ok_hand:

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Ah mais nan, l’adrénaline, elle est là, non contest comme disent les (peut-être) futur ex-européens.

Juste je trouve que le rythme rapide amène une montée plus violente mais aussi moins intense. Après, c’est un autre plaisir, hein. l’un n’est pas inférieur a l’autre.

Petites sessions sympa de duo d’abord avec Teocali, puis avec Trolosorus pour finalement terminer en trio.

On se décide à lancer une ranked (une première pour nous 3) : début de partie catastrophique où je me fait tuer 10s après avoir atterri avec juste une arc-star comme moyen de défense (que j’ai quand même réussi à coller sur le Pathfinder qui me tirait dessus, mais qui m’a pété à la gueule et m’a down par la même occasion :sunglasses:), mes coéquipiers ont réussi à faire le ménage et à me rez juste à coté.:ok_hand:

A partir de là, on a rigolé zéro, on a enchainé toutes les squads les unes derrière les autres, pour finalement terminer vainqueur :

Les autres parties auront été moins glorieuses avec de très beaux fails, mais le fun était là … :smirk::grin:

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Je confirme. Et je tiens a dire qu’a notre petit niveau, Phantom nous a carry sur chacune des parties : y’en a pas eu beaucoup où il a terminé avec moins de deux fois le nombre de kill du suivant.

Ce kif quand tu abats un adversaire suite à un gunfight bien brouillon et que tu vois ton compteur de kills s’incrementer de trois d’un seul coup. Bonus point si tes deux équipiers sont à terre mais encore en vie. Ce jeu, c’est de la drogue dure, ça va pas être simple de revenir à PUBG…

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