Pris sur un autre forum. Désolé pour ceux qui ne maitrise pas la langue de Shakespeare…
Petit résumé à la fin du post en français . Ça ce passe sur eBay, par échange d’email. Le type en question a sauvegarder le contenu des emails. Très drôle.
HIM: « can u please tell me which core this cd is based on because my graphics card only displays graphics from a certain one. (my graphics card is outdated) if you do not know what i am talking about, plesae give me the full cd-key number so i can find out. please do this before the auction ends so i can bid if its the right one. »
ME: Hello,
Don’t worry, I don’t need to go through all the hassle of getting the case, opening the box and giving you the long cd-key, because I can tell you for a fact that the cd is based on the « quantum-silver XT core », which I believe to be the standard these days. I’ve also heard that this kind of CD will favour both modern and ‹ outdated › (as you put it) graphics cards, and cd drives for that matter. Although it has problems with PCs bought from Lidl for some strange reason. (I read this on the computing section of the dvd forums, so it may only be a rumour)
Does this help you at all? Maybe you still need the cd key?
By the way, I will soon be stocking the very latest multi-core high octane « SpeedFreakz » graphics cards in my eBay shop, all at very reasonable prices, so do let me know if you’re interested.
Best regards and have a good sunday.
HIM: « ok. but i still need the key to double check because i dont want to buy it and then it doesnt work. sorry to hassle you but i really need it so i can find out. and can u give me some more info on those speedfreakz cards please. thanx »
ME: Hello again! That was fast!
Well in actual fact, the speedfreakz ™ is an invention of mine which is still in the testing phase of development. One drunken evening I struck upon the idea of fusing the best elements of the latest graphics chipsets (the voodoo 5 and the Kyro) to create an uber-elite ‹ super killer god man card ›. As I’m a bit of an electronics whizz, this proved to be surprisingly easy, and after a few days of soldering, cutting and super-gluing I was managing to break the magical ONE HUNDRED barrier in 3d mark. I was naturally rather chuffed and realised that it would be selfish to keep such powerful hardware to myself. So I decided to modify the design ever so slightly, for legal reasons, and release the card on a large scale. I’ve spoken to a few business people and they reckon that this time next year I might be able to get a mortgage!
Thanks for the interest, it really thrills me to have people intrigued by my products! :P)
HIM: « lol ok. u forgot the key?.. and how much u selling them for? and are they 128mb? »
ME: "Under product key, it says ‹ donotmakeillegalcopiesofthisdisc ›
Is that it?"
HIM: « the product key is numbers not letters »
Me: "Oh right, sorry.
It’s 44d2c-f4xx3-411fc-20vc6-ui200
But all in big letters, sorry. Is that ok - can you tell if the game will work? Will you bid (please do, the price is a bit low now and I want to sell it for more!)
^^^ note that was a fake cd key obviously
HIM (following morning): "SORRY ABOUT THAT. HAD A LONG SLEEP. THE PROGRAM SAYS INVALID KEY!!?? BUT IT DID SAY IT WAS ON THE quantum-silver XT core. could you please recheck the number u gave me incase it was a typo??
ME: I’m at a friends so don’t have the cd case now, but will give it to you soon. By the way - what’s the name of the program you’re using to check the core?
You sound like an interesting person. Do you live in London? Maybe we should go out for a drink some time. A/S/L?
HIM: LOL. you wanna take a 15 year old for a drink? haha. and dont underestimate me coz of my age. i can build pc’s and program! a HALO core checker
ME: Well, you could have lemonade or something. Do you like lemonade? I know a great place that sells fresh home-made lemonade for 2 quid a pint. It’s a gay bar though, but in my experience homosexuals make the best fruit based soft drinks. It’s quite bitter but they provide you with a sachet of brown sugar to liven things up. I would have beer because I find lemonade makes me fart.
Any way, I digress, that’s not what we’re talking about.
What kind of graphics card do you have though?
Him: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook.
128mb radeon atlantis se. but da drivers are gay and wont let me use updated ones, and i hav dis core prob.
ME: Hi, time to come clean now.
Do you think I’m stupid? Do you honestly think I’m going to hand you out a valid cd key so that you can use it in your pirated version of the game?
Think again.
I’ve amassed a nice bit of incriminating evidence against you from your various emails, and have passed on your IP address, your email address and your ebay details to various authorities (including ebay, FACT and the police anti-piracy unit).
Best regards!
Alors on peut dire OWND, NOOB!
Véritable histoire (enfin, d’après le type qui l’a écrite…)
Au cas ou, petit résumé pour ceux qui n’on pas tout compris:
Le type ce fait contacter par un gamin de 15 ans, celui-ci lui demande une clé valide pour pirater son soft. Le type le fait marcher, lui tire les vers du nez, et lui donne même une clé (fausse, évidemment). Finalement le gars lui redemande la clé, vu qu’elle n’est pas valide, et l’autre de repondre:
"Mais t’est fou? Tu crois que je vais te donner ma clé pour que tu puisse utiliser ton soft pirater?
Penses-y bien.
Je viens de ramasser un tas de preuve que tu est coupable de tes réponses à mes mails, et j’ai donner ton adresse I.P. à plusieure organisation anti-piratage notamment eBay, la FACT et la police anti-piratage."
[i]Bon si quelqu’un trouve que c’est un thread qui pourrait causer un flood, prière de le locker.