c’est sans doute un traduc automatique d’où l’anglais un peu bizarre mais ca reste lisible :
No wonder why they are really well organized because their guild existed since EQ1.
And they spent really long time preparing the raid.
Of course they had to run UBRS more than 40 times.
But they also spent long long time trying to get reagents for a lot of Potions and items that have special effects. They had most difficult time gathering items, reagents that are used to raise resistances.
it was 4th trial, and at that day, they got wiped once when they brought her hp to 25%, and went in again and got her.
At 4th trial, they felt that onyxia was weakened.
They think her hp was lowered a lot, and
She used breath only once that day while she used it 10 times in previous raid.
4th trial was after the patch which made onyxia non-tauntable. Tankers said it became easier for them after the patch.
Gears: Most important stat was fire resistance.
Everyone had 50~100 fire resistance W/O Buff.
2nd important stat was stamina. The reason is if they can survice from one hit, they have chance to heal using potion or bandage.
Hunters: Onyxia can’t be melee attacked at 65% hp.
At the time, hunters are most useful. They can do stable damage w/o mana cost. When they brought her hp down to 40%. She landed again. Hunter’s proc is that they can do stable dmg and range is really long. And also, when she lands, they can feign death and give aggro back to Warrior.
Onyxia’s attacks:
normal attack, AOE melee attack, tail attck, breath, Fireball, Whelps.
normal attack is very powerful single target attack, AOE melee attack is…of course AOE melee attack that deal dmg to nearby chars.
breath is really powerful AOE attack, Fireball is of course good ranged attack.
Whelps are non-elite and have low hp, but if there are a lot, then it becomes dangerous cuz they do about 300 dmg each.
Most dangerous attack is breath, and people have to get distance before she does this attack. But when she prepares it, the message shows something like « onyxia is breathing deeply ».
She uses 4 fireballs at once, and it seems like target is randomly chosen, not by aggro. After the patch, confuse effect was removed and if was much easier.
Of course teamwork is most important. Especially aggro management and strategy for killing whelps w/o dying.
ranged chars should attack onyxia from the back, and when whelps pop up, they gotta go kill whelps.
but because those do too much damage, they need warrior in there to hold aggro. (arcane talent that reduce arcane spell aggro helped)
formation: Onyxia usally use breathe to the front and tail attac to the back. Melees should avoid tail attack and breathes, while priests need to avoid breathe but always have warrior in their heal range.
Drops: they were disappointed because drops were same lv ones as the ones from MC.
They know they used sooo many potions in the raid, but they didn’t feel like cheating because making potions were part of preparation for raid and they put so much effort to it.
They even made elixer of Titan which increase hp by 1200 and gave them out to tankers (i’m not alchemist so i don’t know how hard it is to make those Sourire )
what potions are used?:
They used all possible potions, bandages, and trinkets.
For reference, main tanker’s Health was above 8000.
And also, they used quest items from blasted land(I think that’s the ones from blood elves in blasted land where they give you +50? buff to certain stat for long period of time)
They even had campaign for gathering essence of fires(can’t translate it correctly. please understand this since I don’t know which item it refers to), and rare herbs. They made 500 fire resistance potions before raid.[/quote]
en conclusion : les hunters c est util même en groupe et alchimie ca peut servir