Des fans ont refait entièrement Star Wars: TIE Fighter dans le moteur de X-Wing Alliance :
Built upon the X-Wing Aliance Upgrade mod, which radically overhalus the game engine into something far prettier, TFTC includes all 13 original battle campaigns (base game + both expansions), cutscenes, voiceovers with a remastered iMuse soundtrack as well as a Reimagined campaign spanning 8 battles, which imagines a larger scale version of TIE Fighter, had the technology of the time not limited the original developers.
- A full port of all the Classic TIE Fighter missions, including the expansions Defender of the Empire and Enemies of the Empire - a total of 76 campaign missions + the 28 original Training missions. This includes all the original voiceovers and cutscenes.
- A Reimagined campaign of the first 8 Battles of TIE Fighter. These take the original missions, expand upon them for more ships, bigger battles or in some cases completely build new missions out of them but retaining the same overall narrative and story points of the original Classic. This campaign includes 37 fully playable campaign missions + 4 updated training scenarios.
- That’s a total of 145 unique missions between both the Classic and Reimagined versions!
- Enjoy the amazing updated visuals for the X-Wing Alliance engine made possible by the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade project (XWAU), bringing this 22 year old game into the modern era of graphics.
- VR Support, again thanks to the XWAU project.
- Enjoy a fully remastered TIE Fighter soundtrack or even load up the old original MIDI soundtrack if you’re feeling more nostalgic!
- Rank up, collect memorabilia and earn medals in your pilot room as you progress!
- Join the Secret Order of the Emperor as you play through and rank up those tattoos just like the original.
Le mod est téléchargeable ici :